Saturday, December 13, 2008

getting started

I've been reading a lot of blogs lately. I am about to start my dream job and it both thrills and terrifies me. So in my typical fashion I am trying to learn as much as possible about what to expect - hence the blog reading. On one blog, the blogger said that they took forever to start their blog because they couldn't think of a title. I remember chuckling smugly when I read that. And then I went to start my own...and had the same problem!
So my blog title is wontbeatbarcabutilltry....meaning I won't beat Barcelona but I'll try...suggested by my sister Natalie. Maybe it only has meaning for Jen, Natalie and me but it has enough meaning to win the prize.
So why a blog? Because I am getting the same questions about my new job from many people, because I will be going far and wide and will be seeing and doing some very blog-able stuff, because it will be my way of keeping in touch with all who have asked without having to write the same thing to everyone - all of these are good and valid reasons but it might just be because I like to write and I want to leave a record.
Dream job? Heck yeah!!!! On January 5, I will start working for the Foreign Service!!!

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